Is oil the enemy of dieting? What oils are good for the body? - Nutritionist's Column Vol.76
Oil can be used in a variety of situations, such as for frying, stir-frying, and as a dressing.
However, many people may have a negative image of oil, thinking of it as the enemy of dieting.
Did you know that there are many different types of oil, and that some oils are beneficial for maintaining your health and dieting?
This time I want to talk about oil.

Oil = lipids are a source of energy for humans
Oil is classified as a "lipid" among the three major nutrients necessary for life: protein, carbohydrates, and lipids.
Lipids are an important nutrient that provides us with the energy we need to function and are also the building blocks of cell membranes and hormones.
In addition, oil moisturizes the skin and increases the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, and K), making it essential for health and beauty.
The main components of oil are saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids.
Fatty acids, the main components of oil, are of three types: carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O).
Fatty acids are classified according to the length and connections of these carbon atoms. Fatty acids without double bonds are broadly classified as "saturated fatty acids," while fatty acids that contain double bonds are "unsaturated fatty acids."

Saturated fatty acids = fat
・Meat, butter, lard, etc.
Although it is an important source of energy for the body, excessive intake of fats is said to increase LDL (bad) cholesterol and raise the risk of arteriosclerosis, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, etc.
According to the results of the 2019 National Health and Nutrition Survey, the intake of saturated fatty acids among Japanese people has been on the rise in recent years, and there is a warning that it is best to limit your intake.
-> 2019 National Health and Nutrition Survey Report
Saturated fatty acids are classified into three types based on the length of the carbon chain: short-chain fatty acids, medium-chain fatty acids, and long-chain fatty acids.
"Medium-chain fatty acids" that are less likely to be stored as fat
Among saturated fatty acids, there are some that are less likely to be stored as fat.
These are "medium-chain fatty acids."
Compared to general oils, it is more easily broken down in the body, converted into energy in a short time, is less likely to be stored as fat, and is resistant to deterioration due to oxidation and heat.
It is found in large amounts in coconut oil, and "MCT (Medium Chain Triglyceride) oil," which is 100% medium-chain fatty acids, is attracting attention from people on diets and athletes in particular.
MCTs are an efficient oil for the ketogenic diet because they can rapidly produce ketone bodies and induce a state of ketosis.
-> About the KETO (Ketone Body) Diet ~ Nutritionist's Column Vol.31
It is used differently from regular edible oils, and is ideal to add to dishes such as salads and yogurt. It is recommended to include about 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon several times a day.

Unsaturated fatty acids = oil
・Vegetable oils and oils contained in fish
Unsaturated fatty acids are classified into monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids based on the number of double bonds between carbon atoms.
Furthermore, monounsaturated fatty acids can be further divided into omega-9 fatty acids, and polyunsaturated fatty acids can be divided into omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, each of which has different functions.
The "essential fatty acids" that must be obtained from food are omega-3 and omega-6 .
Unsaturated fatty acids are expected to lower cholesterol levels and be effective against lifestyle-related diseases, but the more you eat the more it is not necessarily better for you. If you eat too much, it will turn into fat and be stored in the body, leading to obesity, so you need to be careful.
What are Omega 9 oils?
Omega-9 oils are fatty acids that can be produced within the body.
The most common fatty acid is oleic acid.
It helps maintain proper blood cholesterol levels in the body, and because it is resistant to oxidation, it helps keep blood vessels healthy. It is also expected to activate the intestines and prevent constipation.
*Foods that contain it: olive oil, rice oil, sunflower oil, avocado oil, macadamia nut oil, etc.

What are Omega 6 oils?
An essential fatty acid that cannot be produced in the human body.
Linoleic acid is a typical fatty acid that is said to lower blood cholesterol levels.
However, excessive intake can lower good cholesterol, make blood more likely to clot, promote arteriosclerosis, and cause allergies, so care should be taken.
*Foods that contain: corn oil, soybean oil, sesame oil, safflower oil, sesame oil, grapeseed oil, etc.
[Major Omega-6 fatty acids]
*Linoleic acid
It is involved in human growth, reproductive function and skin health.
It is often used in processed foods, so if you have the opportunity to eat processed foods, you may be consuming too much without realizing it. It is said that excessive intake of it can make it difficult for immune cells to function, so care should be taken.
*Arachidonic acid
It is expected to have the effects of regulating immune function, lowering cholesterol levels, and improving learning ability and memory.
* γ-linolenic acid (gamma-linolenic acid)
In addition to lowering blood pressure, LDL cholesterol and blood sugar levels, it may also contribute to normal healthy skin structure and function.
What are Omega-3 oils?
Essential fatty acids cannot be synthesized in the body and must be obtained from food.
It is expected to have a wide range of effects, including improving blood flow, preventing lifestyle-related diseases, lowering cholesterol levels, and suppressing allergies.
It oxidizes very quickly, so it is important to use it up as soon as possible.
Also, since it is sensitive to heat, it is said to be better used in dressings and marinades rather than stir-frying.
Foods that contain it: Blue fish such as sardines and mackerel, flaxseed oil, perilla oil, etc.
In particular, omega-3 oils are said to reduce neutral fats in the blood, thin the blood, prevent blood clots, and prevent the occurrence of arrhythmia and arteriosclerosis. These are oils that you should actively consume for the sake of your health.

[Major Omega-3 Fatty Acids]
*Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
A fatty acid found in abundance in oily fish. It enhances the function of the brain and nervous tissue.
DHA can enter the brain, activate nerve cells, and improve memory and learning ability.
*Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
This fatty acid is found in large amounts in the oil of oily fish. It is also used as a medicine and is characterized by the fact that it contains many ingredients that prevent blood clots from forming.
Together with DHA, it helps thin the blood, and its synergistic effect with DHA helps keep blood vessels in the brain healthy.
* α-Linolenic acid <br data-mce-fragment="1">Found in vegetable oils such as linseed oil and perilla oil, it helps maintain high brain and nerve function. It is metabolized into DHA and EPA in the body.
It is not suitable for cooking as it is sensitive to heat and easily oxidizes.
It is important to know which oils are good for your body and take them regularly.
There are many different types of oils, each of which has a different effect on the body.
Even if you think you are conscious of oil and try to limit your intake, you may be consuming a lot of "hidden oil" contained in meat and processed foods.
It is also important to choose food by checking what ingredients it contains and what oil it was made with.
In particular, if you eat a lot of convenience store or fast food, be sure to check the labels carefully and think about your diet in terms of oil.
It is important to know the characteristics of oils that are good for the body and to take them in small amounts on an ongoing basis.
It's also fun to find ways to continue taking it without overdoing it, such as mixing it into your regular drinks or protein, or sprinkling it on your food.
To maintain your daily health, why not try incorporating quality oils and a balanced diet?
Purchase GRØN plant-based protein here .

Nutritionist, Food Education Instructor, Food 6th Industrialization Producer Level 4
Ayako Ishihara
A nutritional advisor in the healthcare field and an agribusiness professional.
She is involved in a variety of activities specializing in the fields of beauty and health, including giving lectures to Miss World Japan candidates.
With the philosophy of "enriching the mind and body through food and realizing a vibrant society where people and communities are connected," he founded i-Field Co., Ltd. in 2013 and serves as its representative.
He is a core member of the food team for "DINING OUT," which opens outdoor restaurants in various regions, and also participates in fashion brand projects.
She is also involved in the promotion of local ingredients, product development and production specializing in "health" and "beauty," branding, concept design, food hygiene, sales promotion, training planning and management, etc. She is in charge of nutritional supervision for GRØN's product development, proposing ways to incorporate them more effectively into consumer health.