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ナッツの種類と栄養素について 〜栄養士のColumn Vol.106

Types of nuts and their nutrients - Nutritionist's Column Vol.106

Nuts are eaten as salad toppings or snacks.
This time, I would like to talk about nuts, which are highly nutritious and have various health benefits.

What are nuts?

In a broad sense, nuts are "fruits" covered with a hard shell or husk, and generally contain seeds (including those that are edible as seeds) inside.

They belong to the nut and seed category.

The part that is eaten varies depending on the nut; some eat the seed as is (cashews and other seeds), some crack the hard shell and eat the kernel inside the seed (almonds and walnuts), and some eat the nut part (hazelnuts, etc.).

Peanuts are popular in Japan, but they are actually classified as beans, not nuts (seeds).
It is rich in high-quality protein, and the thin brown skin contains polyphenols that have antioxidant properties.

Green Monster

Nutrients contained in nuts

Nuts are rich in healthy fats, protein, dietary fiber, vitamins (especially vitamin E and B vitamins), and minerals (especially magnesium, phosphorus, and iron).

However, just because it is rich in nutrients does not mean you should eat too much of it.
Because of its high energy density, excessive intake can lead to calorie surplus and obesity.
It is important to consume the appropriate amount.

Here are some of the key nutrients found in nuts:

*Unsaturated fatty acids

Nuts are made up of approximately 50-70 % unsaturated fatty acids.
Unsaturated fatty acids are lipids found in large amounts in plants and fish, and despite being lipids, they have been shown to be effective in preventing lifestyle-related diseases, improving blood flow, and reducing triglycerides and cholesterol.


The protein contained in nuts has a relatively good balance of amino acids and contains essential amino acids that the body needs.
Compared to animal proteins, plant proteins have a lower fat and cholesterol content and are less saturated fatty acids, making them more nutritious.

*Dietary fiber

There are two types of dietary fiber: soluble and insoluble.
Water-soluble dietary fiber moves slowly through the stomach and intestines, slowing down the absorption of carbohydrates, while insoluble dietary fiber stimulates intestinal movement, increases the number of good bacteria, and improves intestinal environment.
Nuts contain both, but most nuts are high in insoluble fiber.
This helps improve intestinal flora.

* Vitamins and minerals

It is mainly rich in Vitamin E.
It has antioxidant properties, protects cells from oxidative stress, and helps maintain healthy skin and immune function. Typical minerals found in nuts include magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper, and zinc, although the content varies depending on the nut.

Major types of nuts and their nutritional value

When you think of nuts, what kind comes to mind?
Here are some of the most common nutritional values ​​of nuts:


It's a classic nut.
It is rich in dietary fiber and vitamin E.
Fiber supports gut health and promotes satiety.
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects cells from oxidation and promotes healthy skin and immune function.


It is rich in omega -3 fatty acids and may promote vascular health and reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis.
It contains vitamin E , B vitamins (especially vitamin B6 ), and minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc.
These nutrients contribute to immune function, bone health, and more.

*Macadamia nuts

Compared to other nuts, it is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid and palmitoleic acid, which help lower bad cholesterol.
It also contains a lot of potassium, which is involved in reducing swelling, regulating nerve impulse transmission, and muscle contraction.


It is rich in nutrients that are good for the body.
Like almonds, it is rich in vitamin E.
It also contains a lot of oleic acid, which has a high antioxidant effect.
It is expected to lower cholesterol levels and prevent lifestyle-related diseases.


It is characterized by its high content of potassium, which helps to reduce swelling.
If you are concerned about swelling, this is a great snack to try.
It is also rich in vitamin B2 , which has a fat-burning effect, and vitamin B6 , which helps maintain beautiful skin and hair.

In addition to the above, there are other nuts such as pecan nuts, which are expected to have antioxidant effects, and cashew nuts, which are rich in iron and can help prevent anemia.

Nuts and allergies

When consuming nuts, it is important to be careful about allergies.

Nut allergies are one of the most common food allergies, especially in children and adults.
Among food allergies, this can cause severe symptoms, including life-threatening anaphylactic shock, so extreme caution is required.

It is thought to be caused by an immune response to proteins in food.
Symptoms of nut allergies vary from person to person, but common symptoms include rash, itching, hives, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

In severe cases, breathing difficulties, a sudden drop in blood pressure, and anaphylactic shock may occur.
If you suspect you have a nut allergy, it's important to speak with your doctor or allergist to get the appropriate testing and diagnosis.


Although nuts are generally referred to as such, I learned that they are in fact a very complex food, with different parts of the nut that are eaten and different types.

Recently, nut milks such as almond milk have also started appearing on store shelves.
Although the nutritional value varies, nuts have the advantage of being an easy way to consume them.
Mix GRØN protein with nut milk to get even more nutrients.

One way to get nutrients that you may be lacking in your diet is to add nuts to your regular meals.

Purchase GRØN here

Nutritionist, Food Education Instructor, Food 6th Industrialization Producer Level 4
Ayako Ishihara

A nutritional advisor in the healthcare field and an agribusiness professional.
She is involved in a variety of activities specializing in the fields of beauty and health, including giving lectures to Miss World Japan candidates.

With the philosophy of "enriching the mind and body through food and realizing a vibrant society where people and communities are connected," he founded i-Field Co., Ltd. in 2013 and serves as its representative.
He is a core member of the food team for "DINING OUT," which opens outdoor restaurants in various regions, and also participates in fashion brand projects.
She is also involved in the promotion of local ingredients, product development and production specializing in "health" and "beauty," branding, concept design, food hygiene, sales promotion, training planning and management, etc. She is in charge of nutritional supervision for GRØN's product development, proposing ways to incorporate them more effectively into consumer health.


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