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マクロビオティックとは 〜栄養士のColumn Vol.102

What is Macrobiotics? ~Nutritionist's Column Vol.102

Macrobiotics is practiced by many health-conscious people, especially in Europe and the United States.
In Japan, it may be more common to call it "macrobiotic" for short.

With the SDGs becoming widely accepted in society and more people thinking about sustainability, "macrobiotics," which values ​​the health and harmony of people and the earth, has become a natural food trend.
This time, we will introduce the basic principles of macrobiotics.

What is Macrobiotics?

Simply put, it is a diet centered on brown rice vegetarianism, where locally grown and harvested produce is eaten in season, and the whole plant is eaten, including the skin, roots, and seeds.

The word comes from the ancient Greek word "macrobios," which means "macro" (big), "bio" (life/to live), and "tic (tique)" (art/method).

As the etymology of the word suggests, it is a dietary philosophy that includes not only nutritional aspects but also a philosophical approach to promoting quality of life and mental health.

Macrobiotics is often thought of as having originated in Europe or the United States, but it actually originated in Japan, incorporating Japan's ancient food culture and Eastern thinking.

The difference between vegan and macrobiotic

"Macrobiotic" and "vegan" are often confused because they are vegetarian and grain-based diets, but they are different in terms of their way of thinking and the foods that can be consumed.

Vegans' goals include not consuming foods of animal origin and not wearing clothing of animal origin, whereas macrobiotics is a philosophy that aims to achieve a healthy lifestyle in harmony with nature through a brown rice vegetarian diet, so there are no clear foods that you "must not eat."

The three basic principles of macrobiotics

Macrobiotics is based on the idea of ​​yin and yang, as well as two other principles: "shindo-buji" (body and earth are one) and "ichibutsu-zentai" (one whole thing).

■ Body and Earth are One

Based on the idea that the body and the earth (soil) are inseparable and one, we eat locally produced foods in season.
The underlying idea is that nature is an essential part of human life and health.
It expresses respect for nature and is an important concept in Japanese culture and spiritual values, influencing ideas about harmony with nature, environmental protection and sustainability.

■ The whole thing

The idea is to eat the whole food.
They eat unrefined brown rice, vegetables including the skin, leaves, and roots, and fish from head to tail.
This reduces food waste and is part of the sustainable eating practice.

They are also encouraged to eat foods that are as minimally processed as possible.
The emphasis is on cooking and eating fresh vegetables, grains, seaweed, etc. as is, with as little processing as possible.

We aim to avoid processed foods and additives and consume ingredients in as natural a state as possible.

■ Yin-Yang Harmony

It is based on the ancient Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang.
According to this philosophy, everything is made up of two opposing elements, yin and yang, and health is achieved when the two are in balance.

Yin represents the cold, damp, quiet elements, while Yang represents the warm, dry, active elements.
It is believed that an imbalance of yin and yang can lead to problems with physical and mental health.
Food ingredients themselves have yin and yang properties, and it is important to harmonize these properties through your diet.
Combine these to create a well-balanced diet.

-Negative foods-

It grows upwards towards the sun.
It is said to have the power to cool and loosen the body and have a relaxing effect.

(Examples of food) Eggplant, tomato, banana, grapes, pear, wasabi, taro, bamboo shoots, etc. (Taste) Sour, spicy, bitter foods

-Positive Foods-

It grows downward toward the center of the Earth.
It is said to have the power to warm and tone the body and to invigorate the senses.

(Examples of ingredients) Burdock, carrots, lotus root, sardines, miso, soy sauce, etc. (Taste) Astringent, bitter, salty foods

<Dietary Method>

- Eat mainly brown rice, millet, and whole wheat products as staple foods to provide your body with energy and maintain a balanced diet.
The ideal food composition is 50-60% whole grains (brown rice, millet, etc.), 25-30% vegetables (a balanced diet of leafy vegetables, root vegetables, etc.), 10-15% beans and seaweed, and 5-10% other foods such as nuts and fruit.
- Whenever possible, choose organic, additive-free, and traditionally produced foods (such as fermented foods).
As a general rule, you should avoid meat, fish, dairy products, etc., but it is important to eat a balanced diet that is in harmony with nature and only eat what you need.
・Choose ingredients according to the season and region. It is important to focus on local and seasonal ingredients and eat meals that are in tune with the rhythm of nature.
- Avoid refined white sugar, highly processed foods, processed meats, seasonings made with additives, snacks, soft drinks, etc.
- Eat efficiently by using all ingredients and not throwing away excess food when cooking.
・It is important to chew slowly and thoroughly, and to eat only until you are 80% full. Chewing each bite at least 30 times helps prevent overeating and aids digestion.

~Meal Examples~

Breakfast: Brown rice with mixed grains, tofu miso soup, boiled taro, black bean natto, seaweed and yuba salad, pickled vegetables Lunch: Brown rice, mushroom miso soup, Chinese cabbage and lotus root whole wheat dumplings, seaweed marinade, sweet sake jelly Dinner: Brown rice, soy milk black sesame potage, tofu hamburger steak, carrot slaw, sauteed mushrooms, avocado coconut pudding

Macrobiotics is more than just a diet; it is a lifestyle that emphasizes quality and balance in life.
Eating in accordance with the rhythm of nature is kind to your body and the environment, and enriches your daily life.
This also has a lot to do with sustainability.
For example, consuming local produce not only supports local agriculture, but also reduces the energy and environmental burden associated with transporting food, and choosing natural ingredients also reduces the burden on the environment.
The idea of ​​"whole foods," which involves eating whole ingredients to avoid waste, is also important from a sustainability perspective.

I think it would be a good idea to start by incorporating things that you can do without getting too tired.

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Nutritionist, Food Education Instructor, Food 6th Industrialization Producer Level 4
Ayako Ishihara

A nutritional advisor in the healthcare field and an agribusiness professional.
She is involved in a variety of activities specializing in the fields of beauty and health, including giving lectures to Miss World Japan candidates.

With the philosophy of "enriching the mind and body through food and realizing a vibrant society where people and communities are connected," he founded i-Field Co., Ltd. in 2013 and serves as its representative.
He is a core member of the food team for "DINING OUT," which opens outdoor restaurants in various regions, and also participates in fashion brand projects.
She is also involved in the promotion of local ingredients, product development and production specializing in "health" and "beauty," branding, concept design, food hygiene, sales promotion, training planning and management, etc. She is in charge of nutritional supervision for GRØN's product development, proposing ways to incorporate them more effectively into consumer health.


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Here, we see the key to our future with food is mapped out in ancient truths.
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