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身近な存在「テルペン」と「アントラージュ効果」について〜栄養士のColumn Vol.82

About the familiar "terpenes" and the "entourage effect" ~ Nutritionist's Column Vol.82

What is "Terpene"?

The calming scent of lavender, the gorgeous scent of rose, the refreshing scent of the forest, and the clean scent of lemon and orange peel - many of these pleasant scents from plants are produced by compounds called "terpenes."

Terpenes (terpenoids) are a general term for naturally occurring substances found in citrus fruits such as yuzu, oranges, and lemons, lavender and rose flowers, herbs such as bay laurel and thyme, black pepper, pine trees, and cypress.If animals, insects, fungi, etc. are included, there are said to be more than 20,000 different types of terpenes (terpenoids).

Terpenes have a unique aroma and bitter taste.
Plants can use terpene scents from their flowers to attract insects and facilitate pollination, or they can use terpenes to repel pests.

For us humans, the scent of terpenes is attracting attention for its effect on the nervous system, easing anxiety, stress, and providing a relaxing effect, and it is a familiar ingredient that is used widely in aromatherapy, perfumes, beverages, processed foods, air fresheners, cosmetics, and more.

In recent years, it has been attracting attention for its medical uses, as it is expected to have various effects such as pain relief and sedative effects, muscle relaxation, lowering blood pressure, and being effective in treating diabetes.

Types of terpenes

Terpenes are composed of two or more isoprenes (hydrocarbons with five carbons and two double bonds) and come in various types, including monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, diterpenes, sesterterpenes, and triterpenes, depending on the number of isoprene units.


Citrus and monoterpene aromatic components are said to act on the nervous and immune systems, and are effective in relieving stress and relaxing the mind and body.
Terpenes generally refer to monoterpenes, of which there are approximately 400 types known to exist in nature.
Main ingredients: limonene, pinene, myrcene, linalool, camphor, menthol, etc.


It is said that there are over 3,000 types, but only 20 types are actually used in fragrances and other applications.
The sympathetic nervous system is suppressed and the parasympathetic nervous system becomes dominant, resulting in a state of relaxation.
Main ingredients: Caryophyllene, nerolidol, clove, santonin, cadinene, casinol, etc.


Main ingredients: Retinol, retinal, phytol, taxol, geraniol, etc.


It is found in fungi, plants, insects, etc.
Main ingredients: Geranyl farnesol, etc.


It is found in mushrooms and ginseng and has physiological activities such as preventing oxidation in the body.
Main ingredients: Squalene, limonin, camelliagenin, lanosterol, etc.

The relationship between terpenes and CBD: The "entourage effect"

In recent years, CBD (cannabidiol), a component of hemp, has been attracting attention as it is expected to be effective against a variety of symptoms, such as improving concentration, improving sleep quality, and regulating the autonomic nervous system.
CBD is a natural edible ingredient extracted from hemp and contains polyphenols, which was the subject of our previous column.

What are "polyphenols" that protect our bodies? Nutritionist's Column Vol.81

As various research into the effects of CBD on humans continues, it has become clear that the relaxing and anti-inflammatory effects of CBD are due to the “entourage effect” created by the cannabinoids and terpenes contained in hemp working together.

The “entourage effect” is a synergistic effect that means CBD oil containing terpenes can better support people’s health than taking CBD alone.
It's very similar to food combinations.
The presence of these terpenes has attracted the attention of not only the medical industry but also the wellness industry, and it is said that this has paved the way for the legalization of cannabis in the United States.

The main terpenes found in hemp

Hemp is said to contain over 100 different terpenes.
Here are some of the most representative terpenes:


It is one of the most abundant terpenes in hemp and has a slightly sweet, refreshing aroma.
Contains: Lemongrass, pine, hops, mango, basil Benefits: Relaxation, sleep support, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties


When you peel a lemon or grapefruit, you may feel refreshed and relaxed.
This is due to the aromatic compound limonene, a type of terpene, which is found in large amounts in the bark.
Contains: Citrus fruits such as lemon and grapefruit Effects: Activates the sympathetic nervous system, widens blood vessels and improves blood flow, reduces anxiety and stress, promotes good sleep


This is a representative example of the unique scent of hemp and is a component famous for its forest scent.
Contains: pine, cypress, cedar, etc.
Benefits: Better quality sleep, stress relief, improved immunity

* Linalool

It has a floral scent that is typical of lavender.
Contains: Basil, thyme, lavender, neroli, bergamot Effects: Relaxation, fatigue, anxiety, etc.


It has a characteristic spicy scent.
Contains: cloves, black pepper, etc. Benefits: Improves anxiety caused by hormonal changes such as PMS, depression, and menopause

There are many different types of terpenes, each with different effects.
One option is to make good use of terpene scents and CBD oil to suit your lifestyle and concerns.

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