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免疫力について 〜栄養士のColumn Vol.17

About immunity ~ Nutritionist's Column Vol.17

About "Immunity" that protects the body

These days, spending time at home has become a part of everyday life.

We live our daily lives with the possibility of contracting a virus or bacteria. So I would like to write about our immune system, the defense system that protects our bodies.

What is Immunity?

The kanji for "immunity" literally mean "to be exempt from illness." It is a system that keeps the body healthy by eliminating or fighting against harmful invaders such as bacteria and viruses that enter the body from outside. The immune system works inside our bodies to constantly protect us from foreign invaders such as pathogens.

There are two types of immunity: autoimmunity and acquired immunity.


When pathogens such as bacteria and viruses invade the body, autoimmunity creates something to protect the body and fight against the pathogen. These pathogens are called antigens, and the substances that fight against them are called antibodies. This cycle allows the body to acquire immunity naturally.

<h3 Acquired>Immunity

Acquired immunity is a system in which, when the same type of antigen invades the body again, the already memorized immune system is activated and attacks and expels the invading antigen.

How to boost your immunity

We can live healthy lives thanks to our immune system. It is very important to have lifestyle habits that boost your immune system. I will talk about this from the perspectives of sleep, diet, and stress.


First, sleep.
In order to maintain a healthy immune system, it is important to get enough quality sleep and improve the body's functions.

Humans maintain their brain and bodily functions while they sleep.
Resistance to bacteria and viruses (immunity) is maintained and strengthened while you sleep.
"Growth hormone," which increases during sleep, plays a major role in repairing damaged cells and recovering from fatigue.

In addition, the autonomic nervous system is involved in regulating the immune system, and lack of sleep can cause autonomic nervous system disorders.
The autonomic nervous system continues to work regardless of one's will to control functions such as the functioning of internal organs, metabolism, and body temperature.
There are two types of nervous system: the sympathetic nervous system, which is active during the day or when you are active, and the parasympathetic nervous system, which is active at night or when you are relaxed.

When the sympathetic nervous system is strongly activated, blood pressure rises, the pupils dilate, and the mind and body become excited.
On the other hand, if the parasympathetic nervous system is dominant, blood pressure drops, heart rate decreases, pupils constrict, and the mind and body are at rest. In healthy people, this state of autonomic nervous system is well balanced.

In order to get a good night's sleep, it is very important to allow the parasympathetic nervous system to dominate while you are sleeping, in other words, to relax.

Points to keep in mind when sleeping

Tip 1: "Adjust your body clock"

Wake up at a set time, get some sunlight, and have breakfast.

Tip 2: "Relax and prepare for sleep"

Take a warm bath, go to bed at a set time, and relax with your favorite aromas.
Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and smartphone use before bed, which stimulate the brain.


Next comes the meal.
"Eating a balanced diet" helps boost your immunity and prevent infectious diseases.

Rather than relying on certain nutrients or foods, eating a variety of foods and seasonal ingredients allows many components to act in a comprehensive manner, and consuming a nutritionally balanced diet can be expected to boost your immunity.

One nutrient you should be particularly conscious of is protein.
Not only is it an important nutrient that builds muscles and organs, but it also produces immune substances that work to prevent the invasion of viruses and bacteria. If you continue to lack protein, you will not have enough protein to produce immune cells, and you will not be able to produce an appropriate number of immune cells, which will result in a weakened immune system.

Although immune function exists throughout the body, it is said to be concentrated in the intestines.
When we breathe, eat, drink, or drink every day, pathogens such as bacteria and viruses also enter our bodies.
These pathogens are then carried through the digestive tract into the intestines and attempt to enter the body through the intestinal mucosa.
For this reason, it is believed that the immune system is concentrated in the intestines, in order to quickly detect pathogens and eliminate them from the body. It is therefore very important to be conscious of eating foods that improve the intestinal environment.

Points to be careful about when eating

Tip 1: "Eat regular meals"

Eat three regular meals a day and follow the Japanese style of staple food, main dish, and side dish.

Tip 2: "Eat meals with an awareness of protein"

We also recommend using it as a protein supplement.

Tip 3: "Eat foods that improve your intestinal environment"

The keywords are insoluble and soluble dietary fiber, probiotics, and prebiotics.

*1) Insoluble dietary fiber: Plays a role in excreting harmful substances from the body and slowing down the absorption of carbohydrates and lipids.
Burdock, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, soybeans, brown rice, etc.

*2) Soluble dietary fiber helps increase the number of good bacteria in the intestines, improve intestinal environment, and excrete harmful substances from the body.
Konjac, seaweed, mushrooms, vegetables, apples, etc.

*3) Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that reach the intestines alive and foods that contain them.
Yogurt, miso, kimchi, pickled vegetables, natto, etc.

*4) Prebiotics: Ingredients and foods that serve as food for the good bacteria in the intestines and promote their growth.
Vegetables, fruits, konjac, seaweed, mushrooms, honey, etc.

*5) Vitamins and minerals: Be sure to get plenty of vitamins and minerals, such as vegetables and fruits.
Vitamin and mineral support is essential for a healthy immune system.

*GRØN contains plant-based protein and superfoods rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.
This product is recommended for those who want to boost their immunity easily, something that is difficult to do through diet.


Finally, stress.
Stress is something we experience every day in our lives.
Stress is the body's nonspecific response to triggering stimuli or causes (stressors) such as tension, worry, pain, cold, or infection.
In the 1950s, Canadian physiologist Dr. Hans Selye said, "Stress is the spice of life."
In the past, stress was not just thought of as a bad thing, but rather it was thought that good stress could add spice to life and help you live a more balanced life.

In modern times, the word "stress" has a strong negative connotation, and is often associated with threatening physical and mental health, which in turn leads to physical disorders and illnesses. Prolonged stressful conditions such as worries, anxiety, and tension can also affect the weakening of the immune system.

Stress is closely related to the autonomic nervous system. Excessive stress disrupts the balance of the autonomic nervous system and affects immune function. Continuous strong stress also reduces the function of lymphocytes and other cells in white blood cells, leading to a decrease in immune function.
Managing stress is also important to protect your body from bacteria and viruses.

Things to be careful about when it comes to stress

Tip 1: "Try to live a healthy lifestyle."
- Exercise moderately, get quality sleep (7 to 8 hours), and lead a regular life.

Tip 2: "Adjust your diet."
Pay attention to nutrients and eat a balanced diet.

Tip 3: "Add relaxation to your daily life."
*1) Take frequent breaks, find ways to relax, and immerse yourself in things you enjoy.
*2) Reexamine your thinking habits and ways of perceiving things.
*3) Abdominal breathing, yoga, and meditation can help to lead to parasympathetic dominance and balance the mind and body.

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Lifestyle habits that boost your immunity

We have introduced three perspectives on how to boost your immunity and protect yourself from within.
Relax, eat well, and get plenty of rest.
It's a simple but important thing.

Of course, don't forget to take precautions such as washing your hands and gargling.

Take time to face your own body at your own pace, maintain it, and recharge your batteries.
Now that it's difficult to go out, try adopting some lifestyle habits at home that will boost your immunity.

<GRØN products that have appeared>

Protein Blend Matcha All Stars 20g / 370 yen (excluding tax)

Protein Blend Criollo Berries 20g / 370 yen (excluding tax)

Protein Blend Green Monster 20g / 320 yen (excluding tax)

Protein Blend Red Heat 20g / 320 yen (excluding tax)

Pancake Mix & Protein 227g / 900 yen (excluding tax)

Nutritionist, Food Education Instructor, Food 6th Industrialization Producer Level 4
Ayako Ishihara

A nutritional advisor in the healthcare field and an agribusiness professional.
She is involved in a variety of activities specializing in the fields of beauty and health, including giving lectures to Miss World Japan candidates.

With the philosophy of "enriching the mind and body through food and realizing a vibrant society where people and communities are connected," he founded i-Field Co., Ltd. in 2013 and serves as its representative.
He is a core member of the food team for "DINING OUT," which opens outdoor restaurants in various regions, and also participates in fashion brand projects.
She is also involved in the promotion of local ingredients, product development and production specializing in "health" and "beauty," branding, concept design, food hygiene, sales promotion, training planning and management, etc. She is in charge of nutritional supervision for GRØN's product development, proposing ways to incorporate them more effectively into consumer health.


ABOUT US私たちについて

Embark on a journey of body and soul
With plant-based protein powders and soups

Here, we see the key to our future with food is mapped out in ancient truths.
A clear path unfolds when you meet people and spend time in the remarkable green around them.

Just like the aroma of fresh, new earth when you step off plane
GRØN is like a spark, a light in your body or the glimmer of a cityscape.

Take heart on your busiest days, knowing each sip is a step towards a brand-new you.