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GRØNのグリーンモンスターのレシピ -じゃばらを加えた、花粉症対策グリーンスムージー

GRØN's Green Monster Recipe - A Not-So-Bitter Peanut Butter Green Smoothie

This dish is a perfect match of the savory flavor of peanut butter and the refreshing taste of mugwort.
In addition to being rich in protein, it also contains herbs and dietary fiber that support detoxification.
Please give it a try!

Ingredients for 1 person
GRØN Protein Blend Green Monster 1 pack (=20g)
・200~250ml of your favorite milk
・Half a banana ・1 tablespoon peanut butter
・3 to 5 ice cubes

【How to make】
Just put all the ingredients in a blender and you're done.

PB Green Smoothie (ft. GRØN Green Monster protein powder)

1 serve
GRØN Green Monster 1 packet (=20g)
・Milk of your choice 200~250ml
・Banana 1/2
・1 tbsp Peanut butter
・Ice cubes 3-5

All you need to do is just mix all the ingredients in a blender!!
Enjoy as it is, or with some your favorite toppings like granolas!!

<GRØN products used>

Protein Blend Green Monster 20g / 320 yen

Recipe by Lily's superfood

ABOUT US私たちについて

Embark on a journey of body and soul
With plant-based protein powders and soups

Here, we see the key to our future with food is mapped out in ancient truths.
A clear path unfolds when you meet people and spend time in the remarkable green around them.

Just like the aroma of fresh, new earth when you step off plane
GRØN is like a spark, a light in your body or the glimmer of a cityscape.

Take heart on your busiest days, knowing each sip is a step towards a brand-new you.