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GRØNのグリーンモンスターレシピ -30秒で完成・ココア味のライスミルクで作るグリーンプロテインドリンク

GRØN's Green Monster Recipe - A green protein drink made with cocoa-flavored rice milk in 30 seconds

I found a drink that goes perfectly with GRØN's Green Monster.
Cocoa flavoured rice milk.
This healthy drink menu is gluten-free and dairy-free, and has a strong flavor but is easy on the stomach.

<Ingredients> (1 serving)
GRØN Protein Blend Green Monster : 20g
Bridge Rice Drinking Chocolate 1 piece: 250ml
・Cocoa powder: as desired

1.) Green Monster, mix with rice milk and shake.
2.) Sprinkle with cocoa powder to taste and you're done.

<GRØN products used>

Protein Blend Green Monster 20g / 320 yen (excluding tax)

GRØN original glass shaker / 800 yen (excluding tax)

Recipe by Maina Fujimori
Photos by Moeko Sawada

ABOUT US私たちについて

Embark on a journey of body and soul
With plant-based protein powders and soups

Here, we see the key to our future with food is mapped out in ancient truths.
A clear path unfolds when you meet people and spend time in the remarkable green around them.

Just like the aroma of fresh, new earth when you step off plane
GRØN is like a spark, a light in your body or the glimmer of a cityscape.

Take heart on your busiest days, knowing each sip is a step towards a brand-new you.